Vu Hoang Nguyen Phan

Vu Phan is a Formal Verification engineer at Intel, where he performs pre-silicon validation of a hardware design. Vu earned a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science at Rice University; his advisor was Prof. Moshe Vardi.

Curriculum Vitae




Vu Phan is the correspondence author of the following publications (authors are sorted by surnames).


Phan | Quantitative Reasoning on Hybrid Formulas with Dynamic Programming | Ph.D. thesis, Rice University 2022 Phan | Weighted Model Counting with Algebraic Decision Diagrams | M.S. thesis, Rice University 2019

Conference Papers

Dudek, Phan, Vardi | ProCount: Weighted Projected Model Counting with Graded Project-Join Trees | SAT 2021 Dudek, Phan, Vardi | DPMC: Weighted Model Counting by Dynamic Programming on Project-Join Trees | CP 2020 Dudek, Phan, Vardi | ADDMC: Weighted Model Counting with Algebraic Decision Diagrams | AAAI 2020

Workshop Paper

Phan | Syntactic Conditions for Antichain Property in Consistency Restoring Prolog | ASPOCP 2018


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Google mail: vuphan314


Version: 2023 Mar 07